With our commitment to the search for excellence in all the services we offer our clients, Mallorca Country Club joins Padel LAB, the 1st teaching laboratory created in Europe specifically for this sport. Padel LAB revolves around three pillars of work: Pursuit of excellence. Methodology of work with learning strategies based on how the brain learns. Rigorous planning.
From one person to a maximum of 4, each session that our clients receive will be planned and structured in a personalized way based on their objectives.
Prior to each session, our clients will receive the session to be carried out in electronic format with the aim of maximizing both learning and benefits.
The Junior Academy is structured on an annual basis and is divided into trimesters starting in September and ending in May.
Two levels with groups of a maximum of 4 children/adolescents per track.
- Initiation level (They have never been part of a Junior Academy)
-Intermediate level (They have been at least 1 year in other Junior Academy or receiving classes).
The Junior Academy is planned in
- Annual goals.
-Quarterly content planning.
-Planning of individual sessions.
Parents and/or legal guardians will receive at the beginning of the course the work program and each session that will take place each day of training.